Nagare Gallery of Previous Designs
Welcome to the Nagare Gallery of Previous Designs, accessories that have entered into their next adventure.
Items that have been sold are marked as so in the title and are no longer available. There are some items out on consignment and may be available if they are still in their venue so please inquire if you are interested.
Passion Envelopes
Passion Envelopes
Purple lovers are passionate and they will adore this piece, hand-knit by Peggy, using an assortment of luxury yarns that Peggy has hand-tied together. "Passion Envelopes" is asymmetrical with one point as opposed to two as with a traditional poncho. Simply luscious!
One size fits most as the open lace stitch allows for garment flexibility. Note: height, dress size, and body type will change how this piece fits, (as in any garment you wear).
Peggy's hand-tied yarn features small fringe like lengths of yarn throughout the piece where the yarns are tied together. A one-of-a-kind piece.